Marcelo Contreras

Perception engineering | vSLAM | DL | Motion planning

MsC student at University of Alberta Researcher at NODE Lab

I am currently a Master’s student at University of Alberta working with Professor Ehsan Hashemi as part of the NODE Lab. My research intends to develop reliable autonomous navigation systems for adversarial scenarios (dynamic surrondings, light conditions and weather) and lies as a mixture of SLAM, Graph Optimization, Deep Learning (DL) and State Estimation. I started at NODE Lab as visiting scholar in 2023, supported by the ELAP scholarship granted by Canadian government.

Previously, I received my Bachelor’s degree in Mechatronics Engineering with a minor in robotics from the Universidad de Ingenieria y Tecnologia, Lima, Peru in 2023. My thesis was focused on electroencephalography (EEG) decoding for stimulus prediction through a Transformer DNN fused with Interval Fuzzy Type-2 (IFT2) units that can handle uncertainties and improve predictions, and it was supervised by Professor Christian Flores

🔥 News

Jul 12, 2024 Paper accepted@IEEE T-NSRE: Our work on Transfer Learning with Active Sampling for Rapid Training and Calibration in BCI-P300 Across Health States and Multi-centre Data was accepted to IEEE T-NSRE
Jun 20, 2024 Paper accepted@IEEE T-IV: Our work on DynaNav-SVO: Dynamic Stereo Visual Odometry With Semantic-Aware Perception for Autonomous Navigation was accepted to IEEE T-IV
Apr 09, 2024 I am member of the organizing committee of IEEE ITSC 2024
Feb 25, 2024 Accepted as Master's student in University of Alberta under the supervision of Professor Ehsan Hashemi as part of his laboratory (NODE Lab).
Jan 10, 2024 Paper submitted@T-NSRE: Our work on Transfer Learning Cross-domain with Active Sampling for Rapid Training in BCI-P300 was submitted to IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (T-NSRE).**

📝 Selected publications

  1. T-IV
    DynaNav-SVO: Dynamic Stereo Visual Odometry With Semantic-Aware Perception for Autonomous Navigation
    Marcelo Contreras, Neel P. Bhatt, and Ehsan Hashemi
    IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (Early Access), 2024
  2. T-NSRE
    Transfer Learning with Active Sampling for Rapid Training and Calibration in BCI-P300 Across Health States and Multi-centre Data
    Christian Flores, Marcelo Contreras, Ichiro Macedo, and 1 more author
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (Early Access), 2024

🎓 Academic Service


  • Organizer of the ECCV 2024 Workshop on Robust, Out-of-Distribution And Multi-Modal models for Autonomous Driving (ROAM)


  • Reviewer of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)